Following Jesus

A follower of Jesus is someone who has encountered Jesus Christ and made a conscious decision to follow him in his way of life. That is to say, to pattern their own life after his teachings and example.
The Gospels proclaim, and those who have made this decision give witness, that his way is strangely enough, the counter-intuitive path to life with some peace, joy, meaning, purpose, love and hope. He himself promises that his way is not only the way to a more fulfilling life now, but even more valuably, the only way to everlasting life in a reality where there is no sighing or sorrow. This is all made possible by the grace of a loving God who used Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to intervene and interrupt the unavoidable cycle of creaturely life that ends with death and in extinction.
At different times and in various circumstances, sometimes in a flash, sometimes over time, followers of Jesus are grasped by this amazing good news and lay hold of it as a drowning person grabs a life ring. The result is a deep, life altering gratitude that has the power to make every ordinary life an extraordinary one, at least to God himself!
Evangelism is the word used to identify the privilege and obligation that all believers and followers of Jesus have to share this good news with others who enter our orbit and with whom we have obtained some level of relationship and rapport. To fail to do so is to deny them the inestimable benefit that derives from encountering Jesus Christ as your truest friend, most steadfast companion, most ardent advocate and indeed as the most wonderful, loving big brother that anyone could ever have.
While there are several ways evangelism may be attempted there is one way “that was never out of date, and never will be, for it was singularly our Lord’s own method: the touch of one life upon another, spritual work with individual , ‘personal work,’ by whatever name you call it, and it whatever effective way you get it done.” It is for this work that the laity or people of God are best suited and called. 
I have quoted from an article by Fr. Sam Shoemaker, known to some of you as the spiritual father of AA, whose purpose in writing is to set before you a greater desire to do this and some concrete help in how to authentically go about it. It is simply and clearly written, it is available in the Parish House and I hope you will read it and listen to what God may be saying to you about evangelism.


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