Following Jesus.... a big and important decision – one that needs encouragement and celebration! Every Christian should make a public profession of their faith in Jesus Christ accepting him as Savior and promising to follow him as Lord.

Confirmation is the service of the church wherein a baptized person makes public this most important decision. If you have never made an adult profession of faith, then you should give this your prayerful consideration and response. The Clergy of the parish would be most happy to talk with you about this matter.

Many people at Good Shepherd have been con
firmed or have made an adult profession of faith in Christ in another denomination or faith community. Thanks be to God! We pray that Good Shepherd is a good place to grow in discipleship of Jesus and in his Way. If this describes your situation but you wish to deepen your identity and relationship with Jesus through the Episcopal Church, then we invite you to consider presenting yourself before Bishop Benhase to be received into the Episcopal Church.

Sometimes folks have grown up in or have been part of a faith community and then have felt themselves distanced or disconnected from God or the church. Thankfully, the Spirit has drawn them back and they wish to reaffirm their faith and relationship with God. Again, the church provides a way to renew and affirm our trust in God’s grace and love called reaffirmation of faith. 

Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation of faith are all important moments in the Christian life and appropriately celebrated within the household of faith gathered with the Bishop.

If the Holy Spirit has put it upon your heart to make your adult profession of faith or to be received into the communion of the Episcopal Church or to renew your faith in Jesus, then please contact one of the Clergy.

On November 18th, we will celebrate all of these things and renew our baptismal vows with Bishop Benhase.


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