Come to Me and I Will Refresh You
The word communication is taken from the Latin root word communicare which means to share. Sharing in God's own life of love and work is the essence of the communion we enjoy with God in Jesus Christ. It is also our calling and Jesus' command that we invite others to come and share in the abundant life Jesus offers to all. Effective communication then, is as essential to evangelism as it is to the sustenance of our Parish life.
The goal of all our communication must be to draw people into new, deeper, and more satisfying life with Jesus Christ through the vehicle of our Parish life, mission, and ministry. Our communication efforts must serve the building up of a Parish community, strengthening its life that the people of purpose gathered here might join God's own redemptive mission in the world as we offer caring service to others in Jesus' name and share the Good News of God's liberating love made real in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Last week we enjoyed seeing the short film about life at Good Shepherd. This week we welcome the Wier/Stewart Team to share a refreshed look for Good Shepherd's communication efforts as we reach out to those looking for meaning, purpose, and hope for their lives.
Now all of these smart, creative tools cannot make us be the people of purpose we claim to be. The realization of that kind of church is up to us. Empowered by the Spirit, and as Jesus promised, with God all things are possible.
May any and all who come and see us at Good Shepherd find us to truly be a people of purpose; authentically and winsomely following the Lord of love, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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