
Advent is the time of year when we are beckoned to make room in our hearts for the birth of Jesus. Preparing ourselves in a way that we are able to receive the gift of Emmanuel requires our imagination. Our imagination is a wonderful gift from God. By engaging our imagination we are able to see with our mind’s eye beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary.

During Advent we are challenged to use our imagination as we stand with one foot waiting for the birth of the Savior of the world and one foot planted in the hope of the future when Jesus the Christ will come again making all things new. We are called to wait in hope with anticipation of the miracle seen and yet to come.

We Wait 

Waiting in silence, the prophets dream, 
God reaches down, the miracle to be seen. 
The angels gather silent in the night 
As stars on their courses align in their flight. 

Mary awaits the promise of Gabriel’s call,
God in his great mercy redeeming all. 
Pondering the gentle voice from above, 
Unto to you a child will be born, gift of God’s love. 

Waiting and trusting Joseph and wife, 
Make their journey seeking new life. 
When the heavens agreed and the angels proclaimed, 
The birth of Jesus ushers God’s righteous reign. 

As we wonder and wait the miracle is here, 
Take hold of the mystery, for He is near. 
God delivers his people, all to see, 
Heaven to manger saving you and me. 
                                                            - Lynn Barnes Prather 

Advent Blessings,


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