Lent: A Time to Draw Near to God

Lent gives us a focused time in which we seek to break away from the deadly grip of sin and open ourselves to God’s saving grace as we surrender our will to His love and care. During Lent, we are called to come to God with a contrite heart and turn away from all that we allow to divide our loyalty to God by truly examining our lives and with sorrow, confessing our sins, repenting and turning to God again and again and again.

A life of confession and repentance allows us to draw close to God. However, we are sorely aware of the fact that we often choose our ways rather than turning to God. We often intentionally refuse God’s will and opt for our way which leads us to the inevitable entanglement of sin.

Why would we ever choose to turn away from the saving love of God?

Theologian Martin Smith notes in his book, Reconciliation, “The essence of sin is the fearful holding back, a desire to fend off the Spirit of God, to keep our distance trying to preserve our separateness and autonomy. To break the Great Commandment to love God with all your heart, mind and soul. We want to be our own master, and each time we try, we fail miserably, every time.”

Thankfully, even in our sinfulness, God longs for us to draw close to Him. The Psalmist promises, “God will not despise a troubled spirit, a broken and contrite heart.”

It is never our goodness but God’s faithfulness to us that sets us free from sin. We find this freedom by turning from sin and turning to a dependence upon God trusting in his perfect will for our lives.

What separates you from the abiding love of God?

Confess your sin and turn to God’s love and care. Draw near to God and be Blessed.

In Christ,


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