Education for Ministry (EfM)
EfM is open to any adult willing to commit to a year of study from a Christian perspective and to make a one-year commitment, regardless of educational level or denomination.
Participants agree to attend weekly classes as faithfully as possible, to prepare for weekly meetings by reading the assigned text, to participate in discussions, and to share in leading worship. There are no papers to write, no tests to take, no presentations to make. Learning takes place in individual preparation, in lively discussions, and in thoughtful reflection. EfM encourages inquiry and welcomes questions and challenges. Groups form a close and supportive bond which members treasure.
EfM groups will organize this summer for the 2017-2018 school year, and new members will enter the program in August. Good Shepherd is planning for two groups: one will meet during the day and another during the evening. Each weekly meeting goes for two and one-half hours.
Call or e-mail the following for an enrollment form:
Daytime Group: Allan Andrews,, 410-279-2057
Evening Group: Tom Smyth,, 706-733-9852
The website for EfM at Sewanee will provide answers to most questions and is worth exploring. Go to for information. Tom and Allan also are happy to answer any questions via e-mail or phone.
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