Welcome, happy morning!

Welcome, happy morning! 

Easter Day was quite a happy morning at Good Shepherd as we celebrated Jesus’ great victory over sin and death, to our individual benefit as well as the salvation of the whole world! We were also blessed by the generosity of Paul and Carolyn Simon who have given the two new stained glass windows that welcome us to the Chapel of the Resurrection.

The windows of the Chapel now tell the complete story of the Resurrection. As we approach the Chapel we, like the women who came first to the tomb that morning often bring our own sorrows, heartaches, and confusion, not always expecting that God can help us. Like them, we are surprised when the living Lord greets us at points in our lives when we least expect it. As on that first Easter Day, the first day of a whole creation made new, many of us like the Roman guard sleep through the redemptive work God is doing even now in the world around us.

Entering the Chapel is somewhat like entering the tomb itself. We are greeted there by the angel of the Resurrection, sitting on the very slab where Jesus’ dead body lay before God’s ruah moved bringing Jesus to life again. The angel astounds us announcing, “He is not here. He is risen.”

He holds in his hand a virge as a token of his authority. His hair seems to literally dance upon his head, perhaps a sign of the shekinah, the glory of God and Easter flowers burst into bloom at his feet. His fierce gaze suggests the fierceness and seriousness of God's restoring love that will suffer even death on the cross to affect our rescue.

As our eye is drawn heavenward and we see the risen and ascending Christ blessing us and promising to be with us always until He comes again. The clear glass allows us to see the world beyond through the lens of God’s redeeming, steadfast love made real in Jesus’ death on the cross and in his vindicating resurrection and triumph over all things that dare to thwart God’s purpose.

With the placement of windows in the doors that open into a busy hallway, we now feel safely enclosed, even embraced in a sacred space where we may steal some quiet, private time out of busy lives to be with God for our soul’s serenity.

The windows, like all the others adorning the Chapel, were designed and created by J. Wipple Company of London. They were lovingly and painstakingly installed by Bill Dobbs, who installed the other windows in 2004 and was moved to be baptized at Good Shepherd. Bill considers this his parish home though he resides in Massachusetts.

We are grateful for Paul and Carolyn’s gift and for the physical, tangible witness that the Chapel of the Resurrection located in the midst of our Parish House, makes to the foundational basis of our life and hope.

Alleluia. Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

- Robert +


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