Solemn Communion
Solemn Communion
Clayton Adams, Adam Austin, Elle Benjamin, Patrick Broome, Roland Brune, Rosalie Brune, Stella Chew, Ann Harper Daniel,William Hargrove, Berkeley Jones, Camille Jones, Crawford McDougal, Harry Pendergrass, Mary Holmes Phillips, Helen Pritchett, Rob Tracy, Mary Dennis Trotter, Mary Dempsey Ward, Anne Alston Weston, Spenser Weston, Julia White, and Lucy White participated in the Solemn Communion Retreat in preparation for Solemn Communion Sunday at the 9:00 am service.
Prior to the celebration, children heard one meditation a week for five weeks, including the Parables of the True Vine, the Found Coin and the Loving Father (also known as the Prodigal Son), and the Rite of Reconciliation.
During the Retreat, Laura Marshall reviewed the Rite of Reconciliation, Rebecca Brune helped the children practice their songs, Mary Margaret Adams and Renee Austin helped each child decorate a candle to be used in the Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Lydia Bliven assisted children to create an Illumination Prayer, and Margaret Gibb helped them make bread that would be used in Sunday's Solemn Communion.
We are indebted to Laura Marshall, CJ Reimche, and Kim Capers for very lovingly and skillfully presenting the meditations. Our thanks also goes to Laura Irwin and Lydia Bliven
Smyth who provided constant support throughout the preparation process. Of course, this couldn't have happened without the parents' commitment to ensure that children attended each meditation and the Retreat Saturday, March 25. Robert, Lynn, Andy, and Lisa are especially appreciated for leading the children individually in the Rite of Reconciliation. The children worked very conscientiously to prepare for this sacrament and were eager when the time came to meet with a priest.
Thanks to Ashley Pritchett for organizing the Retreat breakfast, Lauren Hargrove for organizing lunch and the Reception Sunday, and all the parents who provided the food and helped serve. Kudos to Andrew Austin who acted as Solemn Communion Photographer and provided us with such wonderful pictures of the Retreat activities and Sunday's celebration. Thank you for allowing me to work with your children. It has been a privilege and a joy.
- Jinny Bradshaw
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